Monday, 27 February 2017

Now I know my ABC’s won’t you come and drink with me!

For this post I will be focusing on a brewery that I had seen around for a little while but only very recently had the pleasure to sample.

Alphabet Brewing Company, founded in 2014, is based in Manchester, which is fast becoming a craft beer Mecca in the UK. Their website states that their modus operandi is to make kickass beers, brewing modern styles and re-interpretations of old ones, all using the best ingredients they can get our hands on, and sold as fresh as possible. For that first part, they are definitely hitting their brief. Looking at their range there are definitely a lot of interpretations of classic beer styles (Gogglebox, a raspberry and vanilla pale ale and Flat White, reviewed below, a white breakfast stout being among them)

The second point is a little harder to define!

Whilst I know that brewers these days are incredibly tuned in to the need for the freshest possible product, and will always bottle/can and ship almost the same day, once a beer leaves the brewery that’s when things fall down. This may have been the case with the can of ‘A to the K’ oatmeal pale ale that I had (See below).

My general rule of thumb, especially for unfiltered craft beer, is that the paler it is, the sooner it should be consumed for the best flavour. For an IPA, I would normally want to be drinking it less than 4 weeks from canning/bottling. Of course, this issue lies with the fact that most breweries still do not print the production date on the can/bottle. I’ve only ever seen this on some American produced beers and, more recently, the Cloudwater DIPA’s.

A brewer can get the freshest beer possible out of the brewery but how long that beer sits in a shelf or in a dusty stock room is another thing altogether. The first review below highlights this issue for me.

Please brewers… Print the canning/bottling date on the label!

A to the K oatmeal pale ale

This was the first beer I had had from Alphabet and was, to my palate anyhow, not the freshest. This pours a relatively clear golden colour, despite being unfiltered with aromas of mild citrus and tropical fruits balanced with pale malts. So far, so good..... initial taste is quite pleasant, soft fruits, citrus and grapefruit, but it's the aftertaste that lets this down, there is an overpowering bitterness that lingers for some time on the palate. It's a very dry, earthy bitterness that might be due to the oats but I can't really say. I really don’t mind a bit of bitterness, in fact, so long as it’s well balanced it is encouraged, but this overpowers each following sip to the point that you would almost need a palate cleanser inbetween. Without that lingering bitterness, this would have been a solid 8-8.5 pale ale as the initial taste was wonderful but alas it was not to be.

the great beer dad rating - 7/10

Flat White pale breakfast stout

After having seen this floating around social media I jumped at the chance to pick this up when it was in my local shop. To quote Bones, ‘It’s a stout Jim, but not as we know it!’ As soon as I poured this, that big roasted coffee hit on the nose and the pale redish colour was a complete juxtaposition. I’ll tell it as it is, drinking this is just like knocking back a double espresso. The coffee completely dominates the flavour, which isn’t all bad for a coffee addict like me, but I would have liked some more chocolate notes and roasted malts to come through. Something else lacking was a body. This is very thin for a stout, I would have liked a more heavy mouthfeel from this style of beer but that personal taste and others may prefer the lighter variant. Overall, I actually like this. There is a huge flavour packed into this beer but the lack of complexity and the thin mouthfeel let it down a little for me.

the great beer dad rating - 7.5/10

Friday, 24 February 2017

Lost and Grounded in Bristol (Via Germany)

For my first official post I wanted to go local, and being just a short trip up the M4 motorway for me, Lost and Grounded in Bristol was a logical choice.

Founded in 2015 and producing their first beers in July 2016, Lost and grounded take their inspiration from the precise nature of German brewing and the truly unique properties of Belgian beers.

Their current range of beers includes;

  • ·        Keller pils, their take on a traditional German pilsner style beer
  • ·        Running with Sceptres, a hop-forward lager beer
  • ·        Hop-Hand Fallacy, a farmhouse style ale akin to a good Belgian Saison
  • ·        No Rest for Dancers, a hoppy red ale that is reviewed below
  • ·        Apophenia, a Belgian style tripel beer
  • ·        Running with Spectres, a seasonal special black beer that they describe as a hoppy version of a Baltic porter

My first beer from Lost and Grounded is No Rest for Dancers, a hoppy red ale brewed with Pilsner, Vienna, light and dark Crystal malts combined with Brewers gold, Chinook and Mosiac hops for that good hoppy kick.

This pours a deep red colour with a nice, foamy off white head that leaves a good amount of lacing on the glass. On the nose this is very earthy, caramel notes and woody. The taste is complex, some smokiness mixed with berries and caramel notes but with a nice hoppy bite, all leading to a dry finish with a nicely balanced bitterness. 
There is a lighter feel to this than other red ale’s I’ve had that may be down to the choice of malts but it’s not unwelcome.

At 6.2% this is a little over the sessionable threshold and is more of a beer to sup slowly and enjoy, letting the different flavours come out on the palate.

The great beer dad rating – 7.5/10

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Hello, good day and welcome

Hello and welcome to the great British craft beer blog!

over the last few years i have found myself delving deeper and deeper into the craft beer scene, trying all the weird and wonderful beers that i could get my hands on and developing serious beer envy whenever i'd see a great American juice bomb or deliciously crafted Belgian Lambic pop up on my instagram feed that was never gonna make it to the fair shores of the United Kingdom.

All this envy led me to think that surely, there are more craft brewers in the UK that can match these almost mythic brews and so... my mission has begun.

Whilst most are aware of the divine offerings from the likes of Cloudwater, Beavertown and Northern monk and the unstoppable juggernaut that is Brewdog i want to seek out all those intrepid men and women whose passion has led them to craft their own unique brews and set up their own breweries, to tell their stories and to give you the lowdown on their malty and hoppy offerings

I'll be running this blog alongside my already established instagram account and will be posting hopefully once a week along with select pictures and other musings.

You'll see that i add ratings to all the beers i try, as a rule, these ratings are based on my opinion and nothing more. I will only rate a beer against its peers in the same style (There's no point trying to compare a session IPA with a big, bruising DIPA, or a porter against a barrel-aged imperial stout). 

As a guide my rating structure is below

1-2 - Holy hell! why am i drinking this (Hopefully won't see many of these)
3-4 - Not the worst, but really not something i'd want to try again
5-7 - Now we're getting there, decent, needs a little something to make it stand out
8-9 - Those beers that you remember fondly the next day, unique or exceptional flavour profiles that almost beg you to drink more
10 - Beervana! the state of true enlightenment when beer perfection is reached... 10 is a rarity and only bestowed on those beers that absolutely knock my socks off!

So... welcome again, make yourself comfortable, open a brew and enjoy

The great beer dad